Sunday, August 24, 2008


Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Slice of Rainbow

note: click on the smaller images to view a larger version.






haven't done an abstract set of photos for quite some times now. if you haven't figured it out already, these are photos of the reflective surface of a cd-r disc. photos dated august 9th were shot under natural daylight, using a disc containing burned data. photos dated august 10th were done in total darkness using a single white LED as the light source, with a new unburned cd-r (silver imation disc).

seems that it's quite hard to get violet color captured, not quite sure why. although i can see the violet portions of the reflections, the camera somehow sees it differently and fails to capture most of it...

Thursday, August 7, 2008


subjects like this really highlights the limitations of a compact camera - there's hardly any details at the fur areas, only a mess of colors. and this is at the lowest ISO even...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Main Gate @St. Mary's Basilica, Bangalore

photo taken from inside the compound of the church. the wikipedia page has a photo of the gate taken from outside the gate looking in, showing the same image at the other side of the gate that i didn't notice when i was there - else i would have taken the photo from the other side, with the church building at the background...

>> wiki